Love in Action: Bagging Joy for Every Birthday
"The reality is too many children spend too many birthdays in foster care. This can be a difficult time for kids and we want to make sure that they feel valued and loved on their special day," said Ashley Hall, Director of Support Services with Families 4 Families.
On average, children in foster care will spend at least two birthdays in the system. Each year, more than 24,000 teens “celebrate” their birthday by aging out of the foster care system without ever having been placed with a permanent family to call their own.
The staff and foster families who serve the children placed with Families 4 Families are working diligently to ensure that every child feels safe, valued, and loved, but they can't do it without your support. Your support helps more children in foster care experience what all children should, the joy of their birthday.
Show some love this month through taking action, and donate now to be a part of spreading joy to a vulnerable child. One birthday bag costs $100!
Interested in Mailing a Check? You can mail to:
3915 Harrison Rd, Suite 500
Loganville, GA 30052